The Black Garlic & Chocolate Affair is a one-of-a-kind Valentine’s event showcasing how seeming opposites like black garlic and chocolate create a surprisingly harmonious balance. Toronto Garlic Festival has been doing this since 2011 with creations such as Laura Slack’s black garlic-infused Lestat Truffle and Brandon Olsen’s Coffee, Black Garlic, and Passion Fruit Truffle. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to showcase your culinary talents, connect with food enthusiasts, and be part of the celebration of sweet-savory innovation.
Farmer and Food Vendor Application: Click here
For more information on the chemistry of garlic and desserts, including black garlic and chocolate, click here.
This Black Garlic Affair will take place at the same time as the Evergreen Brick Works Saturday Farmers’ Market, which attracts approximately 2,000 visitors. It will also be extensively promoted through radio, TV and social media, through our media partners.
In case of Unsold Inventory – We understand that there is always a risk of having leftover inventory. Post-event we will promote any vendors who wish to sell unsold inventory. Customers can buy directly from you, just in time for selling before Valentines Day.__
Click here for approved suppliers.
Farmer and Food Vendor Application: Click here
Questions? Contact us at Peterm@torontogarlicfestival.ca or call 416 888 782