Coming this Valentine’s…

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The Black Garlic & Chocolate Affair

Feb 1, at Evergreen Brick Works

The Black Garlic & Chocolate Affair is a rendezvous celebrating the romance between two unlikely partners—mysterious black garlic and decadent chocolate. Their union defies expectations, teasing the senses with complementary flavour combinations and indulgent whispers of bliss. Let your senses fall head over heels for a love story as unique as it is unforgettable.

Curated by Toronto Garlic Festival, this one-of-a-kind inaugural Valentine’s event takes place Saturday Feb 1, 2025  at Evergreen Brick Works.

Early Bird Sneak Peek of Tasty Creations At The Black Garlic & Chocolate Affair

By Francoise Briet at Malty & Hoppy Delicacy

Chocolate Pots de Crème Infused with Our Iconic Black Garlic and Dark Ale Beer Jelly, plus  specialty spreads and jams including Black Garlic and Dark Ale Beer Jelly, and Brew Garlic Jam  

By Dento Lam at Dream Foods

Chocolate Chili Oil Dipped Dougnuts/Cronuts and Dark Chocolate Black Garlic Tiramisu

By Olga Balicki at Salt + MUSTARD

Black Garlic Shortbread and Black Garlic Truffles

By Cindy You at Meringue Patisserie

 Black Garlic Macaron created with Chocolate Swiss buttercream with a hidden center of black garlic paste

Check back soon for updates on the Affair.

Garlic and Chocolate?

Black garlic and  roasted garlic in dessert items including chocolate might seem like opposites, but their flavors create a surprisingly harmonious balance. Past Toronto Garlic Festival creations like Laura Slack’s black garlic-infused Lestat Truffle and Brandon Olsen’s Coffee, Black Garlic, and Passion Fruit Truffle show how black garlic elevates desserts. But not just black garlic.

Discover more about the science behind the sweet synchronicity of roasted garlic, and other forms of garlic, with chocolate and other desserts here.


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