2015 Garlic Story Contest – 1st Place

Haiku – Two Sets

by Dan Tanner 


Autumn senses

Musky knife-crushed cloves

leak their juices on a board

Garlic fingertips


Sunlight through a crack

dries-out curling green scapes

nailed to wooden walls


Teardrops paint her cheeks

Smashing garlic and onion

makes her lungs breathe clear


Cabbage in clay pots

curdles under soft black earth

Kimchi in the womb


Dawn. Scattered field mice

burrow, gnaw at seeds and grain

Garlic left untouched



Observations at the Toronto Garlic Festival

A girl’s cheek presses

the St Clair streetcar window

“Mom, I smell garlic”


“Fresh Rocambole!

Rare and heirloom garlic here!”

“Music” to my ears


Striped, red, gold, blue, black

garlic spills from a rattan



Chefs, farmers, foodies

gather garlic at Wychwood

to scarf and stock up


September dessert:

garlic, pepper and chocolate

melted on fresh peach