05 Jun Acadian Shamrock Garlic Farm – Desboro, Ontario
At the Toronto Garlic Festival, Acadian Shamrock Garlic Farm is selling German Mennonite Garlic and Shallots (grown on their farm), along with other products from their farm, such as pickled scapes/garlic/garlic dill, garlic jellies, mustards, sauces, spices, relish, and chutneys.
Acadian Shamrock Garlic Farm started over 25 years ago in Desboro, Ontario. The land is very rocky but garlic grows nicely in the clay soil. We grow German Mennonite Garlic (1st. at the Royal Winter Fair in 2011), and also sell Pickled Garlic Scapes (3rd at the Royal Winter Fair in 2013), garlic scape relish, garlic scape mustard, garlic jellies, salsa, and other pickled products.