Samsara Fields Organics, Waterford ON

Featured at Toronto Garlic Festival: 20 varieties of garlic, other seasonal produce, black garlic, honey ermented garlic, corn chips, pesto (with garlic), humus (with garlic), soy fermented garlic, garlic

About Us:  Samsara Fields grew out of a family’s commitment to preserve a farm coupled with global inspiration through witnessing food shortages, environmental degredation, conflict, poverty and other crises facing the planet. Organic vegetable production became a path of healing and love, offering heirloom fresh food throughout the growing seasons. Beyond produce, the farm also produces fermented, canned and freeze dried products as well as collaborations with other creators, such as Maizal Tortilleria.


Discover More Toronto Garlic Festival Activities Below

Garlic Savoury & Garlic Desserts

Beer, Wine & Spirits

Ontario Farmers

Crafts & Specialties

Free Activities & Contests