Good Day Garlic pic

Speakers’ Corner: The Garlic Diaries: Farmer Shawn Stevens Shares Secrets and Confessions on Growing Garlic (10:00-10:25am)

Farmer Shawn Stevens returns for another year with fresh experience and insight from his garlic patch. He’ll discuss growing garlic suitable for farmers, home gardeners and anyone new to gardening. 

Shawn was given an opportunity a few years ago to begin an urban farm of 15 5×5 planting beds. he knew nothing about farming but as a teacher he brought his students to the urban farm to join in the learning process. He found out he could plant garlic in the fall and it would sit all winter. After his first harvest, he was hooked.  He soon found a small farm in the Cookstown area and began his journey into garlic farming. He quickly learned the difference between gardening and farming! His mission and purpose is to teach and grow for the greater good. The motto on his farm is “Today is a good day to have a good day!” His products are garlic and Good Day Garlic T-shirts.


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