22 Jun Speakers’ Corner: A HerStory of Garlic – Chef Anne Sorrenti (1:00-1:25)
While the changes in Toronto’s restaurants continued in post-war Toronto, a quiet revolution was happening. Canadian immigrants (and their descendants) were championing the way Canadians cooked at home. For generations, they had been using fresh ingredients and cooking their incredible food without pretention. Their influence continued, unabated, behind the scenes. One of these food champions was Chef and Oakwood Hardware Food & Drink restaurant owner, Anne Sorrenti. By the time she was eight years old, she knew her way around a kitchen and had achieved a remarkable level of competence. “I started a lot of fires in the kitchen, but I knew how to put them out.” Chef Sorrenti will share stories from her unique perspective as a first-generation Canadian of German and Italian heritage. Located in the Speakers’ Corner at Toronto Garlic Festival. Go to Festival Schedule.