La La Bakeshop, Toronto ON

Featured at Toronto Garlic Festival: Butter Garlic Cream Cheese Bun; Butter Garlic Croissant; Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Garlic Supplier: To be confirmed

About Us: LÀ LÁ Bakeshop is a story of friends building a dream: A modern Vietnamese bakery that offers innovative desserts and genuinely friendly service.

In Vietnamese, “là lá” means “it’s a leaf.” That’s why our logo is the golden gingko, a tree that originates in Asia and has migrated to North America — a metaphor for our products, our team, and our vision.

We started out in 2020 as a fledgling online business serving the Vietnamese diaspora in Ontario, Canada. In 2021 we listened to the encouragement of our friends, family and loyal customers to open our first brick-and-mortar bakery in downtown Toronto!

In Winter 2022 we opened our second store located at the popular Sky City Shopping Centre in Scarborough, just uptown. Then in Winter 2023 we opened within the Oceans Fresh Food Market in Mississauga.

Thank you all so much for supporting us. We couldn’t be doing this without you!

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Garlic Savoury & Garlic Desserts

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